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Ebook Where's Warhol ?, by Catherine Ingram

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Where's Warhol ?, by Catherine Ingram

Where's Warhol ?, by Catherine Ingram

Where's Warhol ?, by Catherine Ingram

Ebook Where's Warhol ?, by Catherine Ingram

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Where's Warhol ?, by Catherine Ingram

Détails sur le produit

Relié: 40 pages

Editeur : Laurence King Publishing; Édition : 01 (13 avril 2016)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 1780677448

ISBN-13: 978-1780677446

Dimensions du produit:

24,8 x 1,3 x 33 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

4.0 étoiles sur 5

1 commentaire client

Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon:

462.215 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

Heureusement que je ne suis pas un collectionneur : La couverture est endommagée à trois endroits.Sinon bon produit.

I love Where's Waldo. I love art. This is a perfect marriage of the two. I like the artwork, I like the puzzles. Just like Waldo there is other things to see than just finding our hero. I was expecting it to be easy to find Warhol because he is very unique looking character but this is challenging enough to be enjoyable, and again i can not say enough about the artwork, and historical depictions of famous art. This is a book of pictures of famous people doing interesting things with the added "where's warhol". There are so many historical figures (and more recent famous people depending on the time frame for the picture) for you to enjoy guessing who they are and finding out either "i knew it" or " who is that, oh he/she did that, i love that!). I loved the experience of this book and I am sure I will enjoy it in a year or two, and for many more years to come because of the artwork and all it includes.

This is such a fun book! He's pretty easy to find, but in the back are the pages explaining the art history and the other characters you need to find. Does anybody know what's going on with the little cats though? I see them throughout the book. Some scenes I find two, others I find three, and I'm not sure if they all have 3 and I just can't find the third, or what? Seeking answers!

I really like all the cultural references in the illustrations. It's not just Andy Warhol hidden in random scenes, they're scenes he may have been in, people he probably knew or were his contemporaries, places he was associated with, etc. Great gift for a Warhol fan, art history fan, or 70's/80's fan!

Great entertainment for Warhol fans but also fans of popular culture. Some of the depictions are done "tongue-in-cheek" so a knowledge of the people's accomplishments or of their famous works is SURE to give a giggle.My personal favorite is the artist's depiction of Picasso.

Bought it as a gift. It's a more adult version of "Where's Waldo?" A person who likes art, drawings, images, etc., is going to like it.

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Where's Warhol ?, by Catherine Ingram PDF

Where's Warhol ?, by Catherine Ingram PDF
Where's Warhol ?, by Catherine Ingram PDF


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